A look at Things To Do On Google and Google My Business 

A look at Things To Do On Google and Google My Business 

A look at Things To Do On Google and Google My Business - The Digital Tourism Show 262 Christian Watts of Magpie and Chris Torres of Tourism Marketing Agency discuss the benefits of Things To Do On Google, the replacement for Reserve With Google, and what it means fo Tour Operators. They also discuss Google My Business in general and how you can capitalize on this underutilized resource.

https://about.magpie.travel https://tourismmarketing.agency

Link to GMB Overview: https://about.magpie.travel/google-mo...

Special thanks to the following who contributed:










What are the best Google My Business SEO techniques to rank N#1 on Google maps? This is a question I get asked all the time by local business owners. Optimizing your google my business listing or, what is now known as your Google Business Profile, is actually quite simple. In this video, I go through the most effective tried and tested Google My Business SEO tactics you can use to claim the top spots on Google maps. No fancy hacks or shortcuts that could result in your listing being suspended. Just good old fashioned search engine optimisation based on data and research. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WANT TO RANK HIGHER ON GOOGLE MAPS & GOOGLE SEARCH?: 👨‍💼↔️👨‍💼 Book a Tailored 1-on-1 session with me ○ https://rankingacademy.co.uk/live-ses... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📥 DOWNLOAD GMB EVERYWHERE ○ https://bit.ly/3h8NyMU 📥 DOWNLOAD THE FREE REVIEW EMAIL TEMPLATE ○ https://rankingacademy.co.uk/review-e... 👀 CHECK OUT THE LOCAL SEARCH RANKING FACTORS REPORT ○ https://whitespark.ca/local-search-ra... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📑TABLE OF CONTENT 0:00 Intro 1:29 GMB Everywhere 2:16 Local Search ranking factors report 2:41 Primary business Category 4:48 Business Name 6:01 Google Reviews 8:32 Backlinks 10:10 Check your progress --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🛠️ TOOLS AND SOFTWARE I USE FOR MAKING MY VIDEOS ○ Graphic design software - https://canva.7eqqol.net/DG0bG ○ Screen Recorder and Video Editor - https://bit.ly/2P5SljN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🙏 SPECIAL THANKS TO: https://excelelectrician.co.uk/ for letting me use their information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #googlemybusiness #googlebusinessprofile #SEO ❤️For more videos like this one, just subscribe to Ranking Academy: http://www.youtube.com/c/Rankingacade... DON'T FORGET TO VISIT 🌐 https://rankingacademy.co.uk ⭐Google Business Profile: https://g.page/rankingacademy 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rankingacademy 👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rankingacademy

Free Google Hotel Ads Explained for 2021 Direct Bookings

Free Google Hotel Ads Explained for 2021 Direct Bookings

In this video, David explains Google’s major change to the way it manages hotel booking links - adding organic lists that enable hotels, online travel agencies, and other booking sites to get visibility for FREE. This makes Google Free Hotel Ads an even more competitive player in the metasearch space. Join the growing vacation property rebellions who want more direct bookings https://www.travelersbookdirect.co/jo...

Timeline: 00:00 Google Hotel Ads 2021 Update

00:25 What This Means For You

00:47 How Google Hotel Ads Work

01:02 Free Google Hotel Ads Keyword Search Example

02:45 Free Google Hotel Ads Brand Search Example

04:24 Key Concepts for Google Hotel Ads

07:05 Action Steps to Get Started with Google Hotel Ads

07:56 Google Hotel Ads Results - Free and Paid

10:56 Next Steps Connect with David Who is David Tucker?

David is a travel and hospitality marketing expert who helps lodging properties and hotels generate more direct bookings.

Connect with David https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidtuck... Are you in the hospitality business?

Travel is on the rebound and NOW is the time to amplify your recovery strategy and reboot your destination. Prepare your hotel or vacation rental properties for the rebound in travel demand. Travelers Book Direct is on a mission to transform hotels and resorts by empowering them with the data intelligence and insider insights they need to gain confidence in their destination marketing strategy and grow their direct bookings, starting NOW. Join TBDx, where you’ll gain access to the World’s Best live hospitality coaching and destination marketing training with Wendy and David. Learn how to leverage the true power of your in-house marketing resources to beat the OTAs at their own game and become your own master destination influencer. Shift your mindset to direct growth, NOW!

Learn more https://www.ilukamedia.co/tbdx-join-now

===== EVOLVE WITH US =====

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ABOUT WENDY & DAVID ===== Aloha! We are Wendy & David - destination marketing educators, speakers, and coaches whose mission is to empower hospitality leaders to become destination influencers, create direct relationships with their guests, and generate more direct bookings. Connect with Wendy https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendyjae/

Connect with David https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidtuck...

ABOUT iLUKA MEDIA ===== For over a decade, we have been passionate about helping people in the hospitality industry grow their businesses by creating direct and meaningful relationships with their guests. This is why we founded iLuka Media, a company that empowers hospitality business leaders and destination marketing teams with the tools, insights, and education they need to build a standout brand and accelerate their direct growth trajectory, right now. Find more information about the company


Introducción a Google Hotel Ads (Mariluz Rivero)

Espero que en este video hayas aprendido o te haya inspirado de alguna manera (o que lo haga si aún no lo has visto) a posicionar tu establecimiento para que cualquier viajero pueda encontrarte fácilmente.. ¿Quieres más? 👉 Si quieres seguir aprendiendo con nuestros vídeos semanales te invito a suscribirte a este canal sobre Revenue Management, Distribución, Marketing y todo lo que ayuda a un negocio de alojamiento a crecer (hoteles, rentals, campings, hostales..) donde además hablo sobre estratégias y tácticas para emprender. 👉 si además quieres seguir mi día a día como emprendedor te animo a visitar mi otro canal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLGC... 👉 Y si quieres que te muestre 7 maneras, algunas de ellas GRATIS, en las que puedo ayudar a personas como tú a 1) Crear marca personal y autoridad 2) Generar ingresos pasivos y emprender 3) Mejorar el Revenue de su negocio 4) Aprender todo sobre Revenue Management (Una estrategia que nace en el sector servicios y de la que muchos negocios deberían aprender), Distribución de producto online - offline, Marketing Digital y Rentabilización de Negocios de cualquier tipo te animo a entrar en https://bit.ly/jch7minutos #GoogleHotelAds #ReveneueManagement #DitribucionHotelera #MarketingHotelero #

oogle Hotel. Saber cómo funciona y qué hacer para que nuestro alojamiento pueda aparecer en Google. Apúntate aquí: http://misterplan.es/alta-google

View your property in 360 Degree Virtual Tours

View your property in 360 Degree Virtual Tours

Add or Embed 360º Virtual Tours on any Website

(No app or plugin required)

When you publish a 360º virtual tour on CloudPano.com, you will automatically receive a code based link. You can embed your tour right onto your website. We host the tour, you show it off to the world.

Check out a live example


Getting Started

What is a 360º Virtual Tour?

A 360º virtual tour on CloudPano is a marketing and sales tool to view and share a space in an immersive 360º environment. With a smartphone, the CloudPano viewer responds to your movement. This creates a responsive and immersive view of the property or interior space. Create your first 360º virtual tour in 5 minutes or less.

Madiki Kavel #9, Oranjestad, ARUBA

Chamber of commerce: KvK-nummer: H33530.0

+297-734-1122 / +297-630-5308 WhatsApp.



Ok, so you’re ready to share your project. Below are some ideas and how to’s to get you started!

Embed On Any Website

SeekBeak makes it easy for you to embed your new 360º virtual experience directly in your website – this way visitors don’t have to leave your site to interact with the tour.

Good website placement is very important to make sure that visitors can easily find your virtual tour on your website.

See this post on how to embed your project on any website: https://seekbeak.com/2017/05/17/how-do-i-embed-my-360-image-in-a-website/

Publish On Google Street View

You’ve spent all this time making a great 360 experience in SeekBeak, why not get some more eyeballs on it, and put it up on Google Street View as well!?

How to publish your virtual tour to Google Street View: https://seekbeak.com/2020/09/02/how-to-publish-virtual-tours-on-google-street-view/

Share on Facebook

Facebook supports 360° media now such as photos and videos, making it the ideal platform to share links to your virtual project. We’ve got a Share To Facebook button right under the “Share” icon.

Join our Facebook Group and learn and share with like minded people!

Share on Social

Directly share links to your virtual tour on other various social channels with a simple click! With the click of a button you can share to Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook all from the Sharing Dialogue area! Your network not listed? No problem, simply copy the Public URL and paste it into your Social Channel of choice, the name/description, and thumbnail will be picked up automatically.

Create Custom Links

From the Sharing Dialogue area, you can create custom URLs and specialised custom links to share on MLS, or with special clients. Need to show your experience without logos,  starting at a certain start point, or looking at a certain spot, but only for one client or service? No problem.

Share with a QR Code

Did you know SeekBeak has a QR code generator for print media/brochures/cards at events? You can find this sharing feature in the Sharing Dialogue area.

Share with a HD Screenshot

Click the Camera Icon to generate and save an HD Screenshot of your virtual experience to your computer. Great for including in emails, presentations, text messages, or anything else that can use flat images.

Share Your Project Live

SeekBeak Tour Guide allows you to invite one or more viewers inside of your experience, with both 360º and flat image support. Everyone can see, hear, and chat with each other in real time. See the post on Tour Guide: https://seekbeak.com/tourguide/